Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Injustice of Justice

My heart goes out to the Steinle family tonight.  Their daughter Kate died cruelly in her fathers arms the result of stupid man with a gun.  In San Francisco a jury has acquitted the illegal alien who fired that gun carelessly on a pier, as Kate and her father walked happily enjoying a beautiful San Francisco Summer day.  The man who fired the stolen gun should have been on his way to the border for deportation but because of the sanctuary city rule enforce in S.F. he had been released before Federal Agents could retrieve him.  This is a man with 7 felony convictions here in the U.S.A. and had been deported 5 times previously.  He had been in jail on a drug charge and the Fed’s had asked for the Sheriff’s Department to hold him for pick up and deportation.  Instead of following Federal law and holding the man they followed San Francisco sanctuary rules and set him free.  He had a gun he said he found that had been stolen from Park Service Officers car.  At first he told police he was shooting at Harbor Seals then after Lawyered up he changed his story, he said he found the gun under a bench on the pier and when he picked it up it fired.  The bullet ricocheted off one of the pillars and struck young Kate in the back fatally wounding her.  Her last words to her father were “help me Dad” as she died in his arms.  Had this been a citizen of this country that fired the shot we would have been charged minimally with 2nd degree murder or at the least manslaughter.  The government and people of San Francisco have become so progressive that they feel they are not required to follow the immigration laws of the country.  The jury deliberated over 30 hours I’m sure badgering those who wanted justice until they gave in.  Far left Liberal policies to be sure are now the rule in S.F. and I feel it has become an unsafe place to visit.  Maybe if tourism slows they will realize how crazy this path they have embarked on is.  The entire government of California has now declared itself a Sanctuary State maybe we should just close the border to the real United States and let them stew in their own mess.  We don’t need to feed them anymore Government grants let them take care of their education and tax themselves into oblivion in order to survive.  They can keep the 9th district court of appeals too.  Businesses have been fleeing California for the last several years because of the high cost of doing business, eventually the only jobs that will be available will be in the government and we know that doesn’t produce an income for the State.  I know none of this will happen but I’m just totally disgusted with the system of justice and what it has done to the Steinle’s and what it has done to our beautiful country. 

Friday, November 17, 2017

Politicians have forgotten how to think for themselves.

One can only come to the conclusion that to be a politician in today's messed up world you would have to sell your soul to your party. I really don't believe that every democrat is lock step with their leaders nor do I believe that every republican is loyal to their party yet they seem to follow that theory in their voting. What ever happened to our country, how could our politics evolve into such controlled thought. Where are the Scoop Jacksons and the Tip O'neal's hiding... their heads. They surely must be rolling in their graves at such a spectacle in our Congress. The people are just pawns in today's chess game of politics. I for one am disgusted with the process, the Elites in both parties wonder how this election went the way it did, I think they should look in the mirror and take stock of their man or womanhood. Not one of them is capable of thinking for themselves, if they were we would have non partisan voting in many of the items before the Senate and House. We might as well just have the Leaders vote and forget that we have so call representation for the people

Thursday, November 16, 2017

From the desk of Charles Krauthammer



Subject:Fwd: An article from the New York Post:

There's a reason why in New York Harbor we have the Statue of Liberty, 
not the Statue of Equality." 

An article from the New York Post: 

I do not understand how living in a country with its democracy established over 200 years ago, and now, for the first time in history, suddenly we have one of our former presidents set up a group called
"Organizing for Action" (OFA). 

OFA is 30,000+ strong and working to disrupt everything that our current president's administration is trying to do. This organization goes against our Democracy, and it is an operation that will destroy
our way of governing. It goes against our Constitution, our laws, and the processes established over 200 years ago. If it is allowed to proceed then we will be living in chaos very much like third world countries are run. What good is it to have an established
government if it is not going to be respected and allowed to follow our laws? 

If you had an army some 30,000 strong and a court system stacked over the decades with judges who would allow you to break the laws, how much damage could you do to a country? We are about to find out
in America! 

Our ex-president said he was going to stay involved through community organizing and speak out on the issues and that appears to be one post-administration promise he intends to keep. He has moved many
of his administration's top dogs over to Organizing for Action. 

OFA is behind the strategic and tactical implementation of the resistance to the Trump Administration that we are seeing across America, and politically active courts are providing the leverage for this

OFA is dedicated to organizing communities for "progressive" change. Its issues are gun control, socialist healthcare, abortion, sexual equality, climate change, and of course, immigration reform.  

OFA members were propped up by the ex-president's message from the shadows: "Organizing is the building block of everything great we have accomplished Organizers around the country are fighting for change
in their communities and OFA is one of the groups on the front lines..... Commit to this work in 2017 and beyond." 

OFA's website says it obtained its "digital" assets from the ex-president's re-election effort and that he inspired the movement. In short, it is the shadow government organization aimed at resisting
and tearing down the Constitutional Republic we know as AMERICA. 

Paul Sperry, writing for the New York Post, says, "The OFA will fight President Donald Trump at every turn of his presidency and the ex-president will command them from a bunker less than two miles from
the White House." 

Sperry writes that, "The ex-president is setting up a shadow government to sabotage the Trump administration through a network of non-profits led by OFA, which is growing its war chest (more than $40
million) and has some 250 offices nationwide. The OFA IRS filings, according to Sperry, indicate that the OFA has 32,525 (and growing) volunteers nationwide. The ex-president and his wife will oversee the operation from their home/ office in Washington DC. 

Think about how this works.. For example: Trump issues an immigration executive order; the OFA signals for protests and statements from pro-immigrant groups; the ACLU lawyers file lawsuits in jurisdictions
where activist judges obstruct the laws; volunteers are called to protest at airports and Congressional town hall meetings; the leftist media springs to action in support of these activities; the twitter sphere lights up with social media; and violence follows.
All of this happens from the ex-president's signal that he is heartened by the protests. 

If Barack Obama did not do enough to destroy this country in the 8 years he was in office, it appears his future plans are to destroy the foundation on which this country has operated on for the last
241 years. 

If this does not scare you, then we are in worse trouble than you know. 

So, do your part. You have read it, so at least pass this on so others will know what we are up against. We are losing our country and we are so compliant. We are becoming a "PERFECT TARGET" for our enemy! 

Charles Krauthammer       

Yes, it's happening before our very eyes as we speak.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Give a smile to a Veteran

give a smile to a Veteran;
Every year on Veterans Day many of us sit back and remember those we served with. Good times or bad these people became our brothers and sisters for life. We may not see them for years yet you can depend on the fact that their memories are entwined with your own forever. Life is full of experiences many good and just as many bad but they all make up our character-defining who we are. When I hear things like what happened in Southerland Texas and the first explanation was he was a Veteran it makes my skin crawl. I’ve heard politicians remark that Vet’s are the most likely to become anarchists and anti-government radicals because of our training and the experiences of so many that involve violence. To the contrary I say, Vet’s are the least likely to ever take up arms other than the defense of their family and friends. Of course there are always a few like the creep in Texas who are mentally unfit to serve and just like the poor gun it suddenly makes all Veterans suspect. I guaranty you a Veteran is the first one that will stop to help someone hurt in an accident or to stand with others to protest a wrong. The Veteran is the guy who lives next door and is always there when you need a friend, he’s the guy or girl that people can depend on when others fail them. To most Veterans our flag and our anthem is part of their existence they pledged their lives to defend that flag and our Constitution so when you poke the Bear by disrespecting these things you can expect the anger and backlash it creates. Give a salute to our Veterans they are the ones what gave you the right to live your lives in freedom and even when you do things like disrespecting our country and our government.

May this Veterans day be the beginning of a sea change that brings our country together, the hate needs to disappear and our American can-do spirit needs to rise up and be a positive in our lives. I don’t care if you are Black, White or Purple, Democrat, Libertarian or Republican this is your country be the one that builds on the future not the negative. God Bless America!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Why do we have to live with such hate?

When people ask why things like the Texas church shooting happens first they look for ideology, weapons or mental illness.  In my mind the reason starts with the hate that has been prevalent in our society for the last 10 years.  The Alt Left and the Alt Right breed this hatred with violent rhetoric on a daily basis.  The media and the Hollywood Left have nothing to say about Snoop Dog showing a cadaver with a Trump toe tag or the View expounding hate of Trump every day.  The division between Blacks and Whites is at an all time high with Black Lives Matter breeding concepts of hate and retribution.  The KKK and far right groups like them do the same thing.  The politicians on either side fail us daily by being incapable of compromise for the good of our country.  Lessons learned through the decades are forgotten because political correctness requires us to forget our history either good or bad.  As a child I was taught about the bad in America’s history as well as the good.  I was taught that we fought a war for our freedom from England in the 1700’s and those who fought for the new world were heroes of freedom and those who fought for the British were fighting for their country as well.  I learned we fought a Civil War to end the secession of Southern States from the union and it became a war to end Slavery in the United States.  Those who fought on the Union Side were heroes of Freedom and those who fought on the Confederate side were fighting for their States as well.  Most of those conscripted were non political and had little to do with Slavery and fought more for the sovereignty of their homeland.  I learned that many of our Founding Fathers owned Slaves something inconceivable for me to understand, I learned that Jefferson owned Slaves and took one for his mistress having several children with her.  I cannot condone the fact that he owned any Human Being or that anyone should live under those conditions but it is our countries history and should not be erased but learned from.  I learned that in the beginning we occupied lands that were those of the people we now call Native Americans and took many of these lands by force to satisfy our need for expansion and of course our greed for gold and silver.  I have often wondered at the term Native American as it seems to generalize all of their nations into one group and it does not tell the story of wars between their nations.  It also makes me wonder who the lands were held by before the Native Americans came to the area.  I guess what I’m trying to get across is that we are all in the same soup and if we cannot get it together and become one nation again one of our adversary’s will do the job for us.  Russia has been so much in the news because of the allegations against Trump and the allegations against the Clinton’s.  I really think that the bulk of the hatred and division is the result of Russia’s excellent use of the internet and through false news and innuendo keeps us against each other with the hope that they can just let us fight it out and then take over the spoils. 

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...