Are we becoming a tribal nation? The notion that America is not for every citizen is spreading across this land, but why? For decades we have been told that we white people will have to give deference to black’s in hiring, education and housing. What has that accomplished? Our Nation is on the brink of a race war, friends who have been close for years are suddenly being separated by race and politics. As a student in High School in Seattle I guess I didn’t know we were different, skin color didn’t matter a person was either a good guy or an A-Hole his or her actions made that decision for us. When I was in the service we worked side by side in everything. I did notice that a division was starting when in the 70’s and 80’s, blacks began to form separate and isolated friendships rather than join in the American family. Good friends slowly drifted apart. It came with the rhetoric of the Al Sharpton’s, Jesse Jackson and others who started the victims movement and began to champion the cause of reparations for Slavery. 100% of the people at that time abhorred slavery and many fell into the trap that has made several black leaders rich beyond the norm. People like Martin Luther King tried to bring pride and self sufficiency to the community and were succeeding in bringing home the value of education and community involvement but when he was killed several tried to take his place and led King’s march in the direction of victimhood rather than equality. This made them very rich as they blackmailed huge corporations by threatening boycotts and bad publicity if they didn’t pay reparations.
The government poured money into urban cities for education and assisted living all which became ghettoized and hotbeds of discontent, generations learned to take handouts rather from the government rather than experiencing the joy of successfully achieving self-sufficiency. Crime flourished in these city’s as the birthrate went up and fatherhood disappeared from the home. The more baby’s the more money from the government. Single mom’s became the norm and many just gave up being mothers and became baby factories for the almighty dollar.
The group’s BLM and the NFL players are complaining about injustice yet did nothing to try to stop crime in these city’s. Policing an area like this became a death wish for the cops and they in turn allowed it to get worse, in self defense they cut many patrols in these communities. It didn’t matter if it was a black cop or white they were targeted as the enemy. I’m sure many police became dehumanized as they dealt with savage attacks on a daily basis. A good example of the nature of things in these communities is the looting that seems to follow any excuse to riot. New Orleans, Furguson, Baltimore are just a few examples or the lack of pride developed out of this victim mentality.
When you sit back and understand the difference in success and mentality of the many blacks who have joined the American family rather than fall for the victim, poor me ideology pushed by Sharpton and his ilk it is evident that pride and personal responsibility has been their path to success. The thing that worry’s me the most is so many of the youth of those who have fought their way out of the ghetto are falling for the rhetoric and starting to go the route of victim rather than grow on the success of their parents.
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