Sunday, June 12, 2016

A time for action

This morning as I turned the computer on I was shocked at the idea that a fellow human being could bring himself to such extreme hatred and violence.  Then it dawned on me I can’t call these radicals fellow human beings as they don’t even resemble anything in the animal world.  They are from another world one which is filled with hatred and self loathing as its core beliefs.  This war has been going on for thousands of years and will continue as long as we allow it to.  Cringing in fear is not the American way, when confronted with these situations our government seeks gun control a typical liberal solution.  I too believe in gun control, if just one man or woman in that night club had been in control of a gun there would be less dead people today.  Until our leaders show they have the cahonies to face the world situation with a force strong enough to eradicate the radicals we will always be hiding under tables.  They say we are tired of war and no one has the guts to even propose boots on the ground for fear of losing votes, what happens when we tire of these type events will anyone step up to the challenge of protecting our people.  Liberal solutions are what have gotten us into this mess; fighting a war with one arm tied behind our back, (stringent rules of engagement) leaving the battle before it has been won, (Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan.)  Wars are cruel and deadly they should not be run by politicians seeking votes but men and women who have trained for war and understand it’s a violent procedure not let’s get together for a beer and work out our differences.  God Help us if we don’t make a change in direction soon.    

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