Sunday, April 10, 2016

I used to respect our government

Growing up as a child I had the highest respect for our government, Scoop Jackson was our Senator and Warren Magnusson was our Congressman at large.  When they did something it was for the benefit of the people of my area and the Country. Magnusson lived in a track home not far from where I lived in fact I delivered his paper.  Senator Jackson lived at the other end of town but modestly.  Today we see our elite politicians go to Washington as regular guys with a mission but in just months they turn into greedy self-serving parasites.  Today on Chris Wallace I saw the beginning of a revolution in this country.  Not a revolution by the people but a President who is prepared to do anything he can to either stay in office or make damn sure the person elected won’t prosecute him and his administration for the misdeeds he has pulled on the people.  He as much as said regardless there will be no prosecution of Hillary, that in itself is tampering with an FBI investigation.  He has castrated the Joint Chiefs to the point of embarrassment and now he is signaling the FBI and the new Attorney General not to go after Clinton.  The people of America are waiting for our Congress to say something, they have been mute throughout his assault on the Constitution and will do little to stop him now.  He has gotten rid of all the Generals and Admirals who oppose his views and we are left with a weakened military because of it.  He has secretly been building an army of his own by arming all his favorable departments like the Transportation and Education departments.  Why on earth would the Department of Education and others need billions of dollars worth of ammo?  He knows the American military in mass will never fire on the American people.  Oddly one of his first requests was for a para military force directly responsible to the President. (Why)

I don’t care if you are a Republican, Democrat or Independent it’s time to be an American first.  This guy is destroying our country and we are allowing it.  You can sit back and watch or you can speak up.  I would hate to witness the death of our way of life and you should too.  I may be too old for the military but I guaranty you this, you don’t want to piss off a bunch of old cranky veterans.  My loyalty is to my Country and its Constitution, no man has the right to usurp the power of the people.

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