Monday, January 6, 2014

An email from a fellow Nevadan

I just received this email from a friend who actually lived through the depression, fought in WWII and Korea.  His opinion means a great deal to me and I just wanted to share his thoughts with you today.

Nevada friends:

Just in case you haven't been paying attention...

Obama has just switched our focus to "income equalization." It's patently a White House
ploy designed to distract the public away from his huge turkey, Obamacare. His shell
game is obvious, but of course there are a those in the neo-generations who will be
successfully sidetracked by his ill-conceived, sophomoric ideas.

Part of Obama's latest plan includes raising the minimum wage. For anyone with a pea-sized
sprinkling of common sense, that's legislating wealth or "wealth by government edict" and
there's no way it will ever work. But there are a bunch of people who will believe it can be
done that way. Many live in Washington DC..

Another part of his plan is to extend payments to unemployed able-bodied citizens, in effect
rewarding them NOT TO WORK. Just before the end of 2013, some 1.3 million long-term
unemployed saw their payments expire. Harry Reid has joined with other Democrats in

proposing an extension. There is only ONE Republican Senator currently supporting the
Senate Democrats' measure, and that's Nevada's own
Dean Heller.

Try as I may, I can't be liberally objective of unemployment pay. During the Great Depression
there was no welfare and no such thing as getting paid NOT TO WORK. As a result, I washed
dishes (by hand) and fry-cooked. I got up at 4 AM every morning and "swamped" a bar and
grill. My dad went house-to-house seeking odd jobs.

There were always jobs available. They didn't pay too well and they sure weren't fun, but
there WERE jobs for everyone
who wanted to work. No one got paid to sit home .... so no
one sat home. There were no food stamps, yet no U.S. citizen ever starved to death during
the Great Depression.

Oh, and "entitlements" were something we worked for. Seemed the harder we worked, the
more "entitled" we became.

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