Friday, December 5, 2014

Are we ready fir what's ahead

As we come upon another reflective day, December 7th, 1941, we must look back at a time when America was in a different place than it is today.  We were a nation of hardy souls that had survived the Great Depression and WWI and were in the process of building an industrial might.  Today we have decayed into a complacent society that is reliant on our government for our daily needs.  The strength of our fathers who came together as one to defend our way of life has diminished.  As what many would call and older man I have seen both worlds.  When I was a child we were taught to be self reliant and motivated towards self achievement.   Now a days we are being coddled to the point where our population is soft & compliant.  As a youngster if I got into trouble at school it surely wasn't the teachers fault in my parent eyes and I would be punished when I got home for my discretion's.  If I were to come home crying because a bully was picking on me my parents wouldn't run out and confront my adversary, Dad would take us out in the yard and teach us how to fight for our survival. 

The unrest we are seeing in the black community today is being stoked for reasons only known by our White House and Justice Department.  The risk of Anarchy and the need for Martial Law to quell it  comes to mind.  Martial Law suspends all elections and current laws and puts the power in the Executive branch.  As these protests mount we will see more and more violence by professional Anarchist within this group.  With the elections coming in 2016 the possibility exists that this is timed to explode into all out violence and there will be a need for such an action.  The Civil unrest will be divided among racial lines as it was in the 60's.  The difference is that the instigators of this unrest are looking for power and the public in general is too complacent to fight back. 

The cases they have chosen to begin this fight are flawed at the best.  I have searched to find any form of racism involved in either the Brown shooting in Ferguson or the Garner case in NY.  They were both highly decorated criminals with felon records in their past.  In both cases they were criminals  resisting arrest when they were killed, Brown as he attacked the officer.  The Garner case may need to be examined for negligence regarding the so called choke hold applied but with a black Sergeant in command of the squad that took him down the idea of racism loses its credibility.  It also is a fact that local minority businesses had gone to the police asking them to stop Garner from blocking people who want to enter their stores.  

Remember the lost souls of December 7, 1941 and try to imagine the will to fight that it must have taken in the 4 years to come, now imagine a country that was once free and self sufficient trying to rebuild a government of the people by the people.  

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