Diogenes could have spent two lifetimes in Washington, gone through thousands of gallons of oil, millions of lamp-wicks, and never found even one honest man.
Yesterday I wrote my grandkids (the youngest is 26, the rest are over 30) a 5-page “mini rant” briefly outlining what’s going on in the world and what they should do about it. Somewhere in there I felt the need to explain that of the worst things we could do back in my childhood was LIE! A man’s word was his bond. To impeach his word was to invite a demand of “satisfaction” with an epee or a six-gun.
It seems like every five minutes I hear something out of our White house that makes me want to kick the wall and shout bad words. Peggy Noonan says that the only people in Washington who tell the truth these days are whistleblowers. I’m even becoming skeptical of them.
Obama said, "Over the past five years we've cut our deficits by more than half. When I took office, the deficit was nearly 10 percent of our economy. Today, it's approaching 3 percent." That guy just opens his mouth and lies tumble out!
And he’s got a bunch of hench-people in the media that help expand on his lies. This week The Daily Beast said the deficit is down two-thirds from its peak in 2009. That is a @#$%* LIE!
The government’s fiscal year ended on September 30th. Google the phrase "debt to the penny" and you’ll be directed to a Treasury Department page that allows you to enter specific dates and find out to the penny the size of the federal debt for any given period.
Enter the period Sept. 30, 2013 to Sept. 30, 2014 and you’ll find:
The public debt outstanding at the end of FY2013 was $16,738,183,526,697.
One year later it was $17,824,071,380,733.82. The DEBT INCREASE was $1,085,887,854,036. -- No matter how you spin it!
The deficit grew by more than one trillion dollars!
Whether lying by reference, omission or compulsion, lying is still lying. One example was those Clinton-era budget surpluses. The national debt actually grew each one of those years. But money was "borrowed" from the Social Security Trust Fund instead of from the public, which created the illusion that the budget was in surplus.
The 24-day period until the November election should be nicknamed “Liars’ Marathon.” Boy, we’re going to hear some beauties out of the White House. The sad part is, many gullible voters will believe ‘em.