Wednesday, February 12, 2014

America first

Your loyalty should be to America:

What do you as a voter consider when you pick a candidate either for President of the United States or any other representative?  Are you so party oriented that it doesn’t matter what your candidate does or says, or are you so party oriented that you have already voted in your mind and nothing could change your opinion?  I believe this is what has happened in America.  We have become so divided that our flag, our credo or our rights mean nothing to so many.  They have been so brainwashed that it will take a major catastrophe to change them back to believe in America first.  Whether it be the Unions, either party or right or left it’s all the same.  We need to come together if we want to bring this country back to the greatness that our fathers and grandfathers left us in charge of.  I know I will get chastised by the far right and the far left for my opinions but it’s time they both understood one thing; the majority in this country resides near center, it always has and always will, and until we make the effort to meet in that middle ground we will have turmoil and chaos in our politics.  Dividing us into castes as many politicians and organizations have attempted to do will lead to anarchy and be the demise of the United States of America.  Did you hear the words, The United States of America?  The old adage of divide and conquer has been used over the decades by our political parties and some people seem to have forgotten the principle of America first. 

It’s not a mystery that every candidate always has edged to the middle before an election, even Obama played the middle of the road card in his 2008 campaign and then veered hard to the left during his first term.  We the middle class of this country believe in the following:

1.     We believe man is responsible for his own actions and deeds and should pay the piper for his misdeeds.


2.     Welfare is meant to be a boost up when catastrophe hits not a full time occupation capturing generation after generation in its clutches.


3.     We believe in the free enterprise system (capitalism) allowing a person the freedom to a build a legal business with the least amount of interference from government.  This is the greatest of all job creators, small business. People who take risks to build industry should not be unduly punished by burdensome fee's and regulations.


4.    We believe in a fair tax system that everyone pays into based on their ability to earn.  Penalizing the job creators only penalizes the job seeker.  When a tax collection agency becomes partisan it needs to be replaced with a fair tax that does not punish the achievers.


5.    We believe in tort reform to eliminate the frivolous lawsuits that tie up our court system and put the burden of paying higher prices for most items on the back of the consumers.  Our entire medical system problems could have been cured by this move along with allowing insurance companies to compete across State lines.


6.    We believe that every ad produced by politicians must stand the burden of proof.  False claims proven lies or twisted truths must be eliminated or the candidate must be totally liable for damages including impeachment.


7.    We believe that the so called super pacts must submit all ad’s to the candidate or political party for approval making the candidate or party responsible for the content.


8.    We believe all funds from unions and non-profit organizations must be held to a secret vote of the membership prior to disbursement to a candidate or political party and these funds must be divided according to membership votes. (60/40) etc.

9.  We believe in legal immigration, without immigration we will lose our diversity and wither and                die as a country.  To attain this we must close our borders at all cost and deport any who break or have broken our laws with criminal intent, gang membership etc.   We believe that we can solve the problem with those who are already here in this country who have not broken additional laws but they must not be a burden on our Social Security System or our medical system and not be allowed to participate in the politics of America for a period of 10 years or until they are confirmed citizens of the United States.  We also believe in positive identification must be provided at the polls.

10. We believe that the government cannot support a nationalized healthcare yet we can support a special insurance fund for those who cannot obtain healthcare due to existing health problems.  Fraud in this area should be dealt with severely and harshly.  This should be considered a capital crime.

11.  We believe in a commonsense approach to regulation vs personal freedoms, the Constitution is our guide and its basics are not to be interpreted in or for political gain. Judges who legislate from the bench should be impeached and replaced by the electoral process.

We are Americans first and foremost and we will be heard.  The old term of the Silent Majority is passé, and we don’t intend to be silent any longer.  No politician, no union, no party will decide our vote nor our fate. 


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