Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How much more can we take?

How much more can we take?  Our lives are becoming more and more regulated, and we have less and less personal rights.  We will never be able to pay off our National Debt in our lifetime harnessing our children and grand children with decades of grief over high taxes.  America was built on the premise of free enterprise and it seems we have forgotten what that is.  A person goes into business risking all he has to make a better life for his family and in the end they find over regulation by a government with their hand deep inside his pocket.  The odds of the business being successful are less and less every year.  Now with Obama Care we find another oppressive obstacle to add to their ever burdening collection of rules.  If you think it’s tough to get a job now just give it another year when the business side of the Affordable Care Act takes hold.  I know the extension of the un-employment insurance is popular to many but In my mind it is no different than the coddling of an addict.  We need to create jobs not more debt, you don’t create jobs with so called stimulus money, you create them by making it easier for business to hire, train and educate the workers.  We’ve shipped our manufacturing base overseas because we the public demanded lower prices and the union demanded more money and benefits.  The two mix like oil and water and neither will give an inch. 

I believe we could bring our jobs back with tax free zones in populated under employed urban areas but not as long as the constant demand for higher and higher wages exist.  In capitalistic countries venture Investors put their money where they can earn from the investment, they’re not in business to create jobs but to build wealth.  A good side effect though of wealth building ventures is that they do produce lots of jobs and with those jobs come benefits like health insurance and retirement funds.  You can dismay at the fact that the investors will get richer or you can pick up your hammer and start building your own wealth.  Those who feel that some jobs are beneath them and refuse to work don’t deserve anymore extensions. 

The government could solve the problem by taking a small portion of the tremendous amount of welfare and un-employment funds and subsidizing the worker’s salary in these start up companies for a short period until the company was on its feet and capable of paying a livable wage.  Just like running your family home a business needs cash flow to succeed.  When you have no money left at the end of the month you can’t pay your bills, when the company pays out more than it receives they have to reduce their labor force.  The country could spend a quarter of what this recession is costing on this program and put millions back to work and the national debt would go down every year.  As human beings we are not endowed at birth with an entitlement to anything we haven’t worked for.  Social Security, disability and medicare are funded by our labors and our employers.  Medicaid, Welfare and all the additional benefits awarded to people come out of you the workers pocket.  You see, government has no money to spend unless we give it to them from what we work to earn.  Yes I believe in charity but before charity comes opportunity and if 25 to 35% of our population has decided to suck the government teet dry and refuse to snatch any opportunity that comes along they no longer deserve our charity. 

Less taxes, less regulation will bring more jobs back to America immediately.     

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