Saturday, July 20, 2013

The disaster of the great society

First I’d like to discuss racism,  I truly believe that every man, woman, and child regardless of color, race or creed deserve the same opportunities for a good life.  I believe that a person earns that right through his or her actions not because it is legislated.  Out of guilt this country has almost destroyed that opportunity for blacks in America.  Never in the history of America has one group of people been so abused.  For decades we have tried to make up for a concept that came here from Europe along with our new emigrants in the 1600’s.  For decades we have been mislabeled as slavers because of the actions of a few.  We have made several generations totally dependent on government by continuing policies of apology and appeasement.  Let me make what I’m saying very clear.  Yes America was a slave country but it is equally important to remember that is was basically white Americans who fought through the bloodiest war in our history to abolished slavery.  Very few Americans actually owned slaves and the majority of Americans fought to destroy the practice.  It’s time to allow this entire race of people to assimilate into American society as complete citizens.  The Great Society approach has failed as you cannot legislate ethics and work habits on one hand and offer free  cookies and milk with the other.  We have generations of the same families living in government housing, eating government supplied food while paying them to have children without any means to support them.  It amazes me that so many great ones have been able to escape the government pandering and become extremely valuable members of our society while others have failed to take advantage of the education programs and opportunities offered to get them off on the right foot. 

The good doers of the liberal establishment with their hand out approach rather than offering a hand up have smothered any opportunity for many to have the capacity to survive in the real world by making it easier to take advantage of the system than to build on their own accomplishments.  Welfare, Aid to dependent children, food stamps and government housing is meant to be used as a hand up not a hand out.  The programs have become so bloated with things like free cell phones that it will take another two generations to break the cycle of dependency once and for all.  It’s time to stop the abuse and give these people a real chance to become productive useful citizens by enforcing child protective laws and requiring parents to take responsibility for the education and the actions of their children.  Fathers and mothers whether married or not should be required by law to be equally responsible for their children.  By offering real incentives for people to get off the system through job incentive for business we can rebuild their confidence in themselves and in America .  The idea that generations of some families have made a living off these programs rather than actively looking for work is obscene to most working Americans.  Blaming the establishment is easy looking in a mirror and deciding that the problem is right there in front of them is much harder.  Listen to the language on the street and wonder why your child can’t find work in the real world.  Look at the professional athletes many who find themselves unable to cope with success and end up back in the streets where they came from.  Education must be applied not taken for granted,  a child that goes to school yet fails to learn is the fault of the parents in most cases not the teacher.  A child who learns and applies themselves by studying hard and making good decisions is going to be a success.  The self proclaimed cool ones may stay cool in their own eyes but will always be the guy or girl on the street while the educated climb the ladder of success.   

The racism I see in this country is in the divisive rhetoric used by those who benefit from turmoil, Jesse Jackson,  Al Sharpton and others who prey on the emotions of the weak and downtrodden of America.  Racism is blaming everyone but themselves for their misery.  No I don’t consider myself a racist I detest the very thought of a any child being brought up in a world without hope basically being abandoned by their parents to be raised on the streets.  America will never be solid again until we learn that racism is wrong from whatever side it comes from.  Who can honestly say they do not profile, black white red or yellow each of us have to learn to trust rather than be suspicious, but that trust has to be earned not legislated.

That’s just my opinion     

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