Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Just a few thought's

What is the result of some of the legislation put upon us in the last few years?  Starting with Obama –care where we now have over 20,000 pages of regulations to try to understand.  Where in the end we will have just as many people uninsured as before it started.  I guess it makes sense, the people who don’t work for a living will have free health care and those that do work won’t be able to afford their premiums.  For the average business it will be a real headache just trying to make sense of the new regulations.  Many will trim their workforce by reducing hours to under 32 to avoid the additional insurance costs.  This is not a greedy move by employers it’s a matter of survival for many.  For the last few years many companies have just been hanging on and adding the additional cost with the health care bill will be their demise.

Once again the Republican Party is trying to self destruct.  The fight over emigration is just one example.  Something has to be done about the situation and rather than work out a solution that is the best for the country, politics is once again rearing its ugly head.  The Dem’s aren’t any better, they feel they have the upper hand and are trying to shove their agenda down everyone’s throat.  Just like Obama-care they want to be everything to everybody and are running us into a giant crevice that is so deep we can never climb out of it.  In all actuality we have 7 active party’s here in America; The Democrats, the Republicans, the Independents, the Libertarians, the Liberals, the Communists and the Conservatives.  The Republicans have been divided by the Conservatives, the Libertarians and the Rino’s.  The Democrats have solidified with the Liberals, the Independents and in many cases the Communists leaving the old blue collar Dems without a party to associate with.     

I never thought that I would live to see the day when Welfare would be an acceptable way of life to so many Americans.  The idea behind these safety net programs was basically to give people an arm up when they were in distress; it was never intended to be a way of life.  There are generations of families who have been on assistance for years. Section 8 housing, aid to dependent children, welfare, food stamps, free medical these are just to a few of the programs available.  Not a bad living for someone who doesn’t want to work.  The problem is that we have finally reached the point where just as many people are on some type of assistance as there are people working.  In 1776 Alexander Tyler a professor at the University of Edinborough made this statement: "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.”   Sounds like we have finally reached that point, what’s next besides bankruptcy and another great depression? 

What set me off today is the Presidents declared war on coal.  In my estimation he is just trying to divert attention from the ongoing catastrophes surrounding his administration.  Mining has been one of the backbones of our industrial might in America with coal mining near the top and rather than try to develop a cleaner method of using coal saving thousands of jobs he once again turns to politics in an attempt to rally his left wing base.  Please, no more Solyndra’s or Chinese solar plants Mr. President, spend the people’s money on developing our own natural resources and creating new jobs and saving the few we still have.  

That’s my opinion,

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