Thursday, March 14, 2013

Debt or Deficit it's all bad

Hi my name is Don and I guess you could call me a redneck. I live in Nevada in a rural area where we live by a code of common sense. No one could survive long in the high desert without using common sense. With that said here are a few common sense items I’d like your opinion on.
Simple math for my simple mind.  We all have heard about the national debt and the national deficit, what is the difference between them?  First of all the deficit is the difference between the amount of money we are spending compared to the amount of revenue we have coming in.  A good personal example is: if you have a net monthly income of $1,000.  And you have rent of $500 a car payment of $350 and a grocery bill of $350 you have a deficit of $200 per month.  The only way you get by is to put the groceries on a credit card and go in deeper debt each month.  Now you have to add the amount of the payment on the credit card and the interest you are paying, this will increase your deficit each month.  To figure the debt that you owe you would have to take into account the deficit from the previous years and add it to the amount you are spending today.  The government has been doing this for years and has amassed a debt of $17,000,000,000,000. that’s trillion.  If we had to pay this today it would mean that every person including babies would have to pay over $55,700  each.  This is figured at the level of people in America today at 305,000,000 souls.   When you figure out that only a very small percentage of the citizens pay the biggest portion of taxes that it will require to pay this debt down, it becomes an impossible task.  The easiest way to improve is to increase revenue through increased taxable income via less unemployment.  This happens when you make it easier for business to increase revenue by reducing the amount of regulation and tax burden.  This creates more jobs and increases the amount of revenue the government takes in, a point both Kennedy and Reagan proved during their administrations.  We are not doing this, this administration believes that if we just increase the taxes on those who create jobs it will take care of itself.  WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.  All this is doing is slowing our economic recovery.  Right now businesses are trying to figure out how they are going to maintain the level of employment they have at present, not how they are going to increase jobs.  The regulations in Obama-care alone are making companies consider moving some of their people to part time positions.  

I was told the other day by email that the reason people are not making more comments on this blog is that they don’t want their identity noted.  This is easy to get around, you can type your comment at the end of each article and then choose anonymous if you want, all that it will require is that you type the code in the box provided and hit publish.  I would appreciate just a first name and city added to your comments.  Every day our readership has increased and it would be nice to know what your thoughts are.

That’s my thoughts, what are yours?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the lesson, I thought they were the same thing. You made it very understandable, I was building my own deficit since I have been out of work since October. We are starting to get things in order its tough no cable no dinners out on Friday night. I'm thankful my husband has a good job and we have been able to stay ahead of the game now that we are living in our means. We are doing a lot more reading and thankfully we have similar interests so we can talk more than we used to.
Grand Junction

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