Thursday, June 6, 2013

Be a true hero

 If statistics don’t lie, about 33,000 Americans will die in traffic accidents this year, out of this atrocious number very few will have decided ahead of time to donate their organs.  The question is, WHY?  They surely don’t need them anymore and they can and will save lives.  I know it’s a hard subject for the loved ones who have to make these arrangements at a time they are still finding it hard to believe, when all they want is for a miracle to happen and their son, daughter, wife or husband to reappear but in reality it’s a time to make their death a positive for a deserving recipient.  The tragedy of an accidental death has the potential of bringing life to several others who are destined to die way before their time.  I know this is a morbid subject and one that you never want to be forced to consider but think of it as the final tribute to a loved one that their untimely death brought life to many.  Be a true hero make sure everyone knows that you want to donate your organs if the unthinkable happens.  God will give you everything you’ll need when you meet him in Heaven.  

Think about it someone will love you for it.

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...