Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Fathers Day

To all the Dads out there who take their responsibility seriously and with love, I hope you have a great Fathers Day.  Dads should be the heroes in the lives of their children as well as their chief supporter in all their endeavors.  The years go by swiftly and one day you wake up and they are gone, off to raise their own.  Make the best out of each day and you will never have regrets.  I wish someone would have given me this advice 50 years ago when I thought my main job was basically financial support for the family.  Thankfully my family is intact and a loving one that cares deeply for each other, a goal any man would love.  Thank you Jan for all your loving support, even when I didn’t always deserve the title of Father of the Year.    

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

I'm sick of hearing this President

Am I the only one who gets physically sick when I hear this President speak.  For 7 plus years we have heard how wonderful the Muslins are and how it’s the Christians who have caused most of the problems in the world.  If these American Muslins are so peaceful and caring as he keeps telling us let them take the things from the Koran like Sharia Law, hatred for Jews and Christians, death to the Gays and sign a pledge of allegiance to America.  Have them police their Mosques for those who preach Jihad and bring to light those who would do terror upon us.  Prove that they can live in peace with fellow Americans by becoming part of the fabric of our neighborhoods and by loudly rejecting the doctrine of hate that has permeated the Middle East and so much of Europe.  So many of them seem to gather in Ghettos reliving the life they fled rather than enjoying the fruits of America.  They demand things like Sharia Law rather than partner with those that have reached out to help them.  I have absolutely nothing against people from different lands and customs but when they fail to assimilate and allow a faction to live among them who would drag us back to the Stone Age I find it threatening to say the least.  My own Doctor for years here in this little town was from the Middle East and a Muslim, he was one of the best Doctors I have had the pleasure to meet yet one day he told me that he was leaving the area because he was uncomfortable with his Mosque in Reno.  I was disappointed that he would choose to run rather than stand and fight to change what was wrong.  Racial bias has no place in America and in fact those who preach it usually have not found their own peace and serenity.  I mean that from all aspects, every race has their bigots it’s not just whites that can be racists.

The other part of my loathing of this President is his desire to defame our country.  He has as much as stated it in his writing.  He has a distaste for American power considering it colonialism, it showed during his first term apology cruise around the world.  He has done more to stir the fires of racism during his presidency than any other in history.  From Furguson to New York to Baltimore he has sent his emissaries like Sharpton or his flunky ex Attorney General Eric Holder to rally the folks and cause them to believe they were wronged before any proof of misconduct could even be found.  No, I not a fan, I was raised to believe that to get ahead in this world you had to work for it and to treat everyone equally.  I was brought up in a home where everyone was welcome and if they were hungry they were fed.  I was taught it was a privilege to serve our country as were my two brothers.  He has openly called for redistribution of wealth and believes in a welfare system that has all but destroyed so much of the black community.  I am of the belief that being an American is a privilege and I and most of those who come from my era no matter their politics have shown their generosity every time there is a disaster around the world.  He has shown that he believes that this country is populated by a bunch of pompous self-serving greedy white guys who need their comeuppance.  No, sorry but I am not a fan.   

Who does he blame for the massacre in Orlando, hint it’s not the shooter, it’s the republicans because they believe in the 2nd Amendment.  No matter what side you are on regarding gun control understand this, the Cartels in Mexico are just waiting for a ban on so called assault rifles, they have thousands of them crated and ready to smuggle across the border and believe me, they won’t be selling them to nice people.  If you think there is violence now just wait till only the bad guys have the guns.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

A time for action

This morning as I turned the computer on I was shocked at the idea that a fellow human being could bring himself to such extreme hatred and violence.  Then it dawned on me I can’t call these radicals fellow human beings as they don’t even resemble anything in the animal world.  They are from another world one which is filled with hatred and self loathing as its core beliefs.  This war has been going on for thousands of years and will continue as long as we allow it to.  Cringing in fear is not the American way, when confronted with these situations our government seeks gun control a typical liberal solution.  I too believe in gun control, if just one man or woman in that night club had been in control of a gun there would be less dead people today.  Until our leaders show they have the cahonies to face the world situation with a force strong enough to eradicate the radicals we will always be hiding under tables.  They say we are tired of war and no one has the guts to even propose boots on the ground for fear of losing votes, what happens when we tire of these type events will anyone step up to the challenge of protecting our people.  Liberal solutions are what have gotten us into this mess; fighting a war with one arm tied behind our back, (stringent rules of engagement) leaving the battle before it has been won, (Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan.)  Wars are cruel and deadly they should not be run by politicians seeking votes but men and women who have trained for war and understand it’s a violent procedure not let’s get together for a beer and work out our differences.  God Help us if we don’t make a change in direction soon.    

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June 6th, 1944

72 years ago on a cold June 6th morning thousands of American, English and Canadian troops helped their peers become known as greatest generation in history. They waded ashore through heavy fire and mines to eventually get a foothold on the beach. No one can imagine the fear, the apprehension and adrenalin coursing through their veins as the Germans held the high ground over the beach. 2500 brave souls died on the beach that morning and thousands were wounded and evacuat...ed. Our lives today reflect the freedom earned through their defiant courage. Over 10,000 Americans are buried on Normandy's shore and each year although the number is dwindling, survivors in their 90's come to pay tribute to their interned comrades. As Churchill once said of the RAF, "We owe so much to so few." We certainly would not have the freedoms of today without the extreme sacrifice of yesterday.

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...