Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

May the Easter Bunny fill your basket with love and happiness.

This is a day to thank +God for sharing his loving son so that we may follow in his footsteps and learn true happiness.


Let’s solve the Korean problem once and for all.  Using our stealth technology we could load the planes with millions of flyers written in Korean showing pictures of what life in the south is like and follow it up with thousands of battery operated radios tuned to South Korea and to a Radio Free Europe style broadcast and music.  Show pictures of lit up cities and wonderful work places where everyday people make livable wages.  Best of all over the palace and Army headquarters drop pictures of the 1st strike should they get out of line and show targets on every barracks for the military, their nuclear facilities, their shipyards and the palace.  Make the common soldier aware of our capabilities.  A million man Army means nothing if they’re incapacitated.  A little reminder can sometimes go a lot farther than an idle threat.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

How long will America exist as we know it?

Can we survive economically and continue to be the Super Power of the world? Can we maintain the lifestyle we are accustomed to?  I think a lot of us are beginning to wonder if we can ever go back to our prosperous, safe environment.  This is going to require real leadership from our elite chosen few and frankly I think too many of them are living in their own little utopia and have no idea what’s really going on out here in the real world.   Once a politician goes to Washington they become sheltered into the Washington world & never to have to worry personally again.  Their retirement is set, their medical is set all they have to worry about is getting elected again.  Folks at home get a little pork now and then to keep them satisfied and they hear how their representative is working hundreds of hours in their behalf. 
Who will be the next leader to break the cycle of the Nanny state?  Who will tell us the truth about what we really need to do and how will they convince the people who are reaping the benefit of the Grand Nanny that their path for America is unsustainable?   What politician on the horizon has the gift and the guts to go it alone to bring this country back to the reality of our serious situation?
Maybe the answer is to cut short the sessions of Congress in Washington and have them forced to live in the communities they came from.  Having constant access to our legislators would be a real step forward.  The Lobbyists would not have the gang to drop in on every other day and the trips to the golf course would be limited.  Representation is an honor and yet it seems we work to satisfy these few rather than the other way around.  With shorter sessions there would be less time for them to showboat and they would be forced to act rather than posture for position.  Committee’s could be handled by teleconference with buttons that go directly to a central point registering their votes and these would be displayed on the big screen in real time so all America could witness each transaction.  Of course defense items would be handled in secret. 

I’m not trying to pretend that I have all the answers, I just want to get the ball rolling back up the hill before it hits bottom.

That’s what I think, what would you like to happen?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Who should have guns?

Today I would like to ask a question and hopefully get a few answers.  We’ve had some horrific shootings in the last couple of years and there has been a cry for gun control.  We all agree crazies shouldn’t own guns, right?  We all agree the criminals shouldn’t have gun rights, right?  We all agree that when guns are in a home they should be secure from children, right?

Let us say the Feinstein gets her way totally and all guns are taken away from those who have used them safely for the last 235 years.  There are only so many registered weapons in the United States and those would be the first to go , right?  Hunters would have to go to an Armory to check out their weapons in order to go hunting.  Someone has to pay for this, the guns won’t stay safely locked up unless they are under 24 hour guard, right?  Now millions of guns are already on the black market and in the streets of the U.S. , right?  These guns are going to become more and more valuable as time goes on, soon the drug cartels will be smuggling guns into the U.S. instead of out, right? 

My question is; now that you have no way to protect your family against the criminals and crazies who will still have their guns from the streets, and you have turned your cheek as long as you could as they rob you and your family blind, Will this be the safer and saner America you’re looking for?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

What's happened to America the beautiful?

As I sit here and reflect on the week past I find myself with a feeling of remorse.  I have always considered myself fairly intelligent in regards to the ways of government, military protocol and commonsense.  I see none of these attributes in our present administration and the sickness is spreading to the military and other branches of government.  The terrible blast from a mishandled mortar round and our Senator from Nevada trying to blame this accident on the Sequester, the shooting at Camp Lejeune and the egotistical manner in which our boy wonder, the one with all the worldly experience, has now told the Israelis and Palestinians exactly what they needed to do.  Our guy who has never soiled his hands in anything but Chicago politics and can’t seem to solve our own problems here at home is now off spreading the wealth of his great knowledge abroad.  The Senate has passed a bill that they know will go nowhere as has the House of Representatives.  Instead of our President leading the negotiation with Congress he’s off creating more chaos.  If he leads he may actually have to take the blame for an error in judgment and he couldn’t stand for that.

Let’s look back a generation when another boy wonder Jimmy Carter threw our one ally in the Middle East, the Shaw of Iran under the bus and allowed the Khomeini regime to become entrenched in Iran.  We have been under siege since and they have grown stronger in the area spreading their sick Stone Age message through-out the entire region.  Meddling with this region when you don’t have a clue to what changes may affect the outcome is dangerous to say the least.  At least the meddling with our economy and our healthcare can be reversed with one intelligent election not swayed by lies and corruption.  We can now see the wonderful change in Egypt with the election of the Muslim Brotherhood and their vow to erase Israel from the map.  We are so impressed with President Morsi we are giving them F-16’s, tanks and Billions of dollars to hire the army to do the job. 

Our Presidents seemingly desire to turn America into a European utopia is going to backfire on those who are reaping the benefit right now.  Those who are the takers not the providers will soon see there is nothing left to take.  This country was built on the power of the people and to create that power our fore fathers handed us a Constitution that guaranteed us certain rites.  The advent of the professional politician has created an elite governing body that puts its own needs above those of the working class.  The last move is to take our rites to bear arms away just as they did in Eastern Europe, Russia and areas of South America.  This makes the people subservient to the government rather than as our government was designed to be subservient to the will of the people.  Yes in my estimation it has been a sad week and looking ahead I see more and more dysfunctional process to come. 

Those are my views, what are yours?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Semper Fi

This has been a sad week for Northern Nevada, seven of America’s finest young men were killed in an accident at the Hawthorne, Nevada Ammunition Storage facility.  Our hearts go out to the families of these Marines killed and to those who love them.  Every day our Marines risk life and limb for our security, the training they go through can be just as dangerous.  Semper Fi Marines, God bless you and hold you close and thank you for your service.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

What do you think is best for America

In your mind what is the most important thing effecting  our lives right now?
For many the answer will be health care, others the deficit, unemployment and still others is our involvement in Afghanistan.   In your estimation what are our elected politicians doing about the most important thing you have listed as number one? 

In my mind the answer to all of the above is full employment, stop and think about it, what does it mean when we have what the government calls full employment:  When you have everyone who wants to work working, the tax rolls bring in maximum revenue.  It means corporations are making a profit and family owned establishments who hire more employees than any other form employer are doing well, the outflow of cash from the government in the form of unemployment and welfare dependency are reduced significantly.  We don’t need more laws and regulations, to stay competitive companies are forced to include a form of healthcare for their employees and the income revenue that is based on the taxes coming into the government is increased tremendously.  A country like the United States is much less vulnerable when the economy is at it highest. 

How do we achieve this full employment?  It starts with money, ever since the banks have been forced to live in the world of new regulations and restrictions things have turned for the worse, we seem to sometimes forget that we are a capitalistic country.  These laws though well intended have had a reverse affect on business.  A businessperson normally starts with a concept, in the past he would talk to his bankers, selling them on the wisdom of his plan.  The bankers would do a risk management assessment of the plan and put a value on his idea and if they agreed it was worthy they would loan against it.  In the 60’s and 70’s the idea of the venture capitalist became the rage.  Now that the Venture Capitalist have pulled in their horns and the banks are wary because of so many new regulations, capitalization  money for new business has pretty much dried up.  In the heart of this last recession long established businesses that required flooring (loans against inventory) such as appliance companies, furniture stores and auto dealerships found themselves between a rock and a hard place due to increased equity requirements.  Many of these firms just closed their doors leaving many unemployed.

The government controls the reins on our financial recovery, if they loosen up regulations and offer tax incentives for hiring, the employers of the country would respond positively.  Many corporations are sitting on large sums of money but are afraid of the onset of Obama-care and new taxes that will require capital to survive.  I think a good government program would start with the big cities by offering extremely lucrative long term tax relief for businesses who bring manufacturing jobs back to America.  Many of the these cities have an abundance of vacant properties they could put up to encourage new investment.  It’s a double win whenever a new job is provided, first the person becomes a tax payer and secondly they’re off unemployment.  They go from being a burden on the State to an income provider for the State. If unions are to survive they need to partner with these new businesses and instead of adversarial attacks they need to become employment providers again a double win.  The Union gains membership and these companies have a long range source of workers.  

That’s what I think, what are your ideas?

Friday, March 15, 2013


Hi my name is Don and I guess you could call me a redneck. I live in Nevada in a rural area where we live by a code of common sense. No one could survive long in the high desert without using common sense. With that said here are a few common sense items I’d like your opinion on.

Why should we care about Benghazi? Libya is a mess at this time. There are armed militia’s running around and in control of neighborhoods, not States just different blocks. Can you imagine Los Angeles with armed gangs controlling neighborhoods? Whoops wrong choice of cities, L.A. does have armed gangs controlling different areas of the city. Let’s get back to Libya, just like in Afghanistan during the Russian incursion we armed the rebels with sophisticated weapons, anti tank guns, anti aircraft missiles and so on. When the Russians left we didn’t pay attention to Afghanistan and the rebels became the Taliban who in turn allowed the little group known as Al-Qaida to build training camps for the destruction of the western world. You all remember September 11, 2001. Well in the battle to free Libya from Kaddafi’s hold we did the same thing, we armed the rebels and now have little control over what they do. Gee this is starting to sound like Syria, scary isn’t it? We never seem to learn from our mistakes in the Middle East, did we really just give Egypt F-16 fighters?

Getting back to Libya; it is imperative that we keep an eye on these armed militia’s to make sure we don’t create another Afghanistan. We need a strong hand in the area that can mentally combat these lawless groups out of fear of reprisal. What did we do when we needed a General Patton, we appointed a woman to the job of ambassador to Libya. Now let me ask you this, how much do the radical Muslims of the world respect women? She may be a wonderful choice for England, Ireland or Scotland but Libya? Am I mistaking or are women the people they stone to death for having the audacity to get raped, are these the people who are kept from an education and forced to live their lives in a Burka behind a thick veil? Are these the people that are not allowed to speak to a man unless he is a relative? Isn’t this just another great foreign affairs blunder. So now we have Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya and Syria very well armed in a state of anarchy and hating Americans, I’ll bet Israel is loving this especially the F-16’s flying over Egypt. The same Egypt that is now controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. Are you confused yet?

If you look at a map of the world Israel is surrounded by Muslin nations who have vowed to wipe her off the face of the planet. She is the size of a medium size lake here in the United States yet Israel with one move can muster more fear in the Arab world than we can, only because she doesn’t threaten, she reacts. The Arabs understand consequences and we are only as good as our reputation and lately our reputation among nations of the world isn’t so great. The attitude of cut and run we have shown for the last decade or so shows that the American people don’t have the stomach for war and the Arab world knows it. Why should we send our kids to war and then not finish what we went off to do. How many Americans have died for nothing because we have become a nation of appeasement rather than the Super Power of old. We have many who say we should keep our nose out of the world affairs rather than lead. Why when we have had the power to control the destiny of world, we cannot even control the price of oil.

Getting back to Benghazi; We cannot afford to turn away from the problems of the Middle East and hide under the table. It’s in our best interest is to stay firm on our commitments of self protection. One way we can do this is by reducing the amount of oil imported from these areas there-by reducing the income being funneled to those who threaten us. We see what appeasement has done in North Korea. Their military is equipped with Nukes and now rockets with the ability to hit our soil. In decades past the C.I.A. would just do a covert hit on a subject and that would be the end of it. Congress took away that power years ago and now only the President with the use of drones has that ability but only for smalltime terrorists. With so many failures in foreign policy over the years it’s hard to stay on topic. Our goal should be first and foremost the protection of our citizens and our way of life. To do either we have to maintain our right to the title of Super Power, just a few years ago we were the one and only Super Power left standing now we are in a race with China to see who will control the world monetary fund. As China builds its military to Super Power status we are reducing ours to that of the European nations, and do you think Russia is idly standing by? God help us.

That’s just my thoughts, what are yours?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Debt or Deficit it's all bad

Hi my name is Don and I guess you could call me a redneck. I live in Nevada in a rural area where we live by a code of common sense. No one could survive long in the high desert without using common sense. With that said here are a few common sense items I’d like your opinion on.
Simple math for my simple mind.  We all have heard about the national debt and the national deficit, what is the difference between them?  First of all the deficit is the difference between the amount of money we are spending compared to the amount of revenue we have coming in.  A good personal example is: if you have a net monthly income of $1,000.  And you have rent of $500 a car payment of $350 and a grocery bill of $350 you have a deficit of $200 per month.  The only way you get by is to put the groceries on a credit card and go in deeper debt each month.  Now you have to add the amount of the payment on the credit card and the interest you are paying, this will increase your deficit each month.  To figure the debt that you owe you would have to take into account the deficit from the previous years and add it to the amount you are spending today.  The government has been doing this for years and has amassed a debt of $17,000,000,000,000. that’s trillion.  If we had to pay this today it would mean that every person including babies would have to pay over $55,700  each.  This is figured at the level of people in America today at 305,000,000 souls.   When you figure out that only a very small percentage of the citizens pay the biggest portion of taxes that it will require to pay this debt down, it becomes an impossible task.  The easiest way to improve is to increase revenue through increased taxable income via less unemployment.  This happens when you make it easier for business to increase revenue by reducing the amount of regulation and tax burden.  This creates more jobs and increases the amount of revenue the government takes in, a point both Kennedy and Reagan proved during their administrations.  We are not doing this, this administration believes that if we just increase the taxes on those who create jobs it will take care of itself.  WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.  All this is doing is slowing our economic recovery.  Right now businesses are trying to figure out how they are going to maintain the level of employment they have at present, not how they are going to increase jobs.  The regulations in Obama-care alone are making companies consider moving some of their people to part time positions.  

I was told the other day by email that the reason people are not making more comments on this blog is that they don’t want their identity noted.  This is easy to get around, you can type your comment at the end of each article and then choose anonymous if you want, all that it will require is that you type the code in the box provided and hit publish.  I would appreciate just a first name and city added to your comments.  Every day our readership has increased and it would be nice to know what your thoughts are.

That’s my thoughts, what are yours?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What have we done?

Hi my name is Don and I guess you could call me a redneck. I live in Nevada in a rural area where we live by a code of common sense. No one could survive long in the high desert without using common sense. With that said here are a few common sense items I’d like your opinion on.
A friend of mine reminded me of a novel I read years ago and how fitting it is in today’s environment.  The book was Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged in which she created Galt’s Gulch.  In the book it was a fictional place in the United States where the rich just closed their business’s and walked away to get away from overregulation and punishing taxes, in real time it is called Cafayate  (Google it) an upscale place in Argentina.  You would be surprised at the number of middle class and wealthy Americans who are expatriating every day and taking their life savings and families with them.  Others are heading to Uruguay, Panama, Singapore and Norway, this exodus has been brought on by the unrelenting effort of this government to punish success and profit in this country.  The amount of regulation being produced daily is staggering for small business, just in Obama Care itself there are now 20,000 pages of regulation and more coming.  Not one of our elected officials produced these regulations they come from an overzealous office of paid regulators in our government whose job it is to make sure they have job security.  What small to medium business person can keep up with these changes?  I want to personally thank all you Legislators and the Supreme Court who voted for Obama Care without knowing what it would do to our industry.  Just like Pelosi said, why study the bill we have to vote it in to see what’s in it.  Well you did and now we have to live in this nightmare.  As companies reduce their labor force to part time (32 hours) in order to survive this malaise maybe you can lend a hand to help us get by. 

When I grew up in Seattle it was a beautiful place to live and raise children.  We didn’t have a lot of crime and our government was unobtrusive, just there to protect and serve.  Taxes weren’t a subject of concern in fact we had Tax Tokens which were valued at somewhere around a quarter of a cent.  Not all residential streets were paved but people who lived on those streets survived and lived happily.  In the late sixties after building and taxing themselves to death many from California found refuge in the great northwest and set out to cover it with concrete and asphalt just like home, now they have one of the highest sales taxes in the country.  In the beginning if you were to ask one of the transplants why they came to Washington their answer would have been to get away from high taxes, ironic isn’t it?  The beauty of liberalism is that it takes a generation to feel the pain; I wonder what our kids are going to be feeling in a few years?

I try not to be a downer, but if we don’t get a handle on this debt and deficit our kids are going inherit whole different country than we inherited.  We were entrusted with a great America handed over by even greater Americans who fought and died to give freedom a chance, how proud can we be of what we’ve done with that trust?

That’s my opinion, what’s yours?

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Women in combat!

Hi my name is Don and I guess you could call me a redneck.  I live in Nevada in a rural area where we live by a code of common sense.  No one could survive long in the high desert without using common sense.  With that said here are a few common sense items I’d like your opinion on.
I may be too old fashioned for this period in our history.  Women in combat?  My generation was taught to protect women, open doors and pay for the check.  I know that my statement will ruffle the tail feathers of the chicks of N.O.W. but it’s true.  I was taught that you never strike a woman or a girl no matter how mad you were and if bad things happened you put yourself in front of the ladies not alongside.  Things like that are hard to change in one’s mind.  I know that if I was in combat with a girl, excuse me, woman, I would be more worried about her getting hurt than myself.  I hope our soldiers of the male persuasion are more callous than I and are prepared to handle this part of it mentally.  I don’t believe that it is demeaning to look at women as feminine or as a nurturer, one who gives life not as one who takes life.  I think this decision is one that we will regret, as I sure many women who have entered the military do so not to fight but to save lives.  I know that we have had many female casualties through-out history and many have had to fight for their lives in WWII in prison camps.  I don’t mean to take lightly their sacrifices but putting them in harm’s way on purpose is another story.  I can understand piloting a fighter or serving on a naval ship, as women are as adept and agile as a man handling these type of controls and are just a brave but mono e mono on the battlefield is a much different situation.  I cannot believe that a battlefield commander will want to send a woman purposly into a battle against the Taliban or any other radical Muslim group, you know in your heart that a captured woman will go through much more Hell than her male counterpart.      

Changing the subject I think everyone should send the White House a dollar so it can be opened again for tours.  I know many kids who plan for their eighth grade trip to Washington just to see and understand what our history is.  My own Granddaughters have made that trip with their classmates and chaperones all the way from Nevada.  This whole closure is a farce as most of the tours are made with volunteers. I think it’s just a way of making us feel the pain of the Sequester so we can lay the blame on Congress rather than the administration.  I’ll bet even the Secret Service could find a few volunteers to help with security. 

That’s my opinion, what’s yours

History lesson

Hi my name is Don and I guess you could call me a redneck. I live in Nevada in a rural area where we live by a code of common sense. No one could survive long in the high desert without using common sense. With that said here are a few common sense items I’d like your opinion on.

Growing up in the 40’s and 50’s gives you a whole different prospective from today’s society.  Manners were considered extremely important and any disrespect would be dealt with severely.  Whether it be a neighbor, a teacher or even a stranger, if your parents found out it was curtains for you.  A discipline problem at school was egregious and meant either a spanking or being sent to your room without dinner at the least.  In today’s environment with this it’s not my fault mentality there is no discipline.  A child is sent home from school and the parents blame the teacher.  Their little Willie is a perfect child and the teacher must have done something to upset him.  In my case it was a razor strop for serious crimes and being sent to my room hungry for misdemeanors.  In my opinion when discipline went out so did manners. 

I never received an allowance as a child; don’t get me wrong I really didn’t want for anything but I was expected to work for the things I got.  My family was strictly blue collar and everything my folks earned was by hard work.  Myself whether it be chores around the house or helping a neighbor mow their lawn I was always able to earn enough to do the things most kids of my day did.  As soon as I was old enough probably 12, I had a paper route and learned quickly that the more attentive I was to my customers needs the better tips I received.   When it rained the paper went behind the screen door and you had to be careful not to cut across certain people’s yards.  Mostly it was just common sense.  A lesson that many people today haven’t learned, maybe the lack of a good paddling as needed is the reason for this deficiency in so many.

Now that you have a little history maybe you will understand where my opinion comes from and why I feel the need to write.  I loved my family dearly even with the disciplined structure I was raised with.  I honestly think any punishment I received as a child hurt my folks more than me.  Today a parent could go to jail for what I considered normal parental behavior.  I honestly feel some of today’s parents should go to jail for depriving their kids of a good understanding of self discipline and teaching them what real life is all about.  

The way government is run today is just a reflection of the society they govern.  Obama blames everyone but himself for where we are today.  It is definitely not all his fault but surely he must understand that a good portion of the blame falls on his administration.  The Congress is a defunct conclave of self serving people who really only care when they get caught at something then it’s moral indignation.  The Senate is another case, if you want to get rich beyond your wildest dreams run for the Senate.  I believe that the entire legislative bunch should be taken off their happy merry go round and be forced to live like the rest of us.  No more special treatment like huge retirement packages and special medical programs.  Put them on Social Security and Medicare and see how fast they fix the problems.  We could probably fix the debt problem with that very move.

That’s my opinion, what’s yours

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sequester nonsense

Hi my name is Don and I guess you could call me a redneck.  I live in Nevada in a rural area where we live by a code of common sense.  No one could survive long in the high desert without using common sense.  With that said here are a few common sense items I’d like your opinion on.

The shallow attempt by the administration to make the population suffer over the Sequester is getting more desperate by the hour.  To come out with this shut down of the White House, the HS secretary claiming big waits at the larger airports and the claims by the President that sick or poor children would suffer because of this is absurd.  The average Joe could figure out what to cut in minutes, just like we’ve had to do over the last few years.  I know the average household budget went down over 2%, with loss we have all suffered in real estate values it’s more like 50%.  Get a grip Mr., President any grade school child could reduce your debt with just a little common sense.

The liberals like to refer to what is commonly known as a Redneck as racist’s, it’s far from the truth, I am becoming prejudice as time goes on however but my prejudice is with stupidity.  To sit and listen to people like Alan Combs and Chris Mathews could turn any bodies stomach as they constantly repeat the mantra of Socialism.  Our great country is going through a change alright, we the people losing respect for the institutions that are suppose to protect us.  I am a veteran and I love our military but I can honestly say that I’m happy that I served under Presidents that put our country first. (Ike and JFK)

The thing that scares me the most is the fact that our Supreme Court is getting old.  This President is going to have the dubious honor of appointing at least two new judges in this term, heaven help us if our Congressional Representatives fail to do their jobs.  Conservatism is not just a republican virtue; many democrats are also conservative but have been squashed by the louder liberal base who have taken over the party.  It’s time for people to stop the insane habit of voting along party lines and cast a vote for American virtues.  That rumbling you hear is the Blue Dog Democrats who stood up to vote for Reagan rolling in their graves in disgust as our country weakens.

That’s my opinion, what’s yours

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Guns and money

Hi my name is Don and I guess you would call me a redneck. I live in Nevada in a rural area where we live by a code of common sense. No one could survive long in the high desert without using common sense. With that said here are a few common sense items I’d like your opinion on.

What are your feelings on gun control? Personally I feel that responsible citizens who happen to own guns are not the problem. Any criminal can buy a gun off the street to use for his or her misdeeds. They aren’t going to go into a Gun shop and hope they pass scrutiny on the background check. How does tougher regulation curb violence?

The 2nd Amendment was not designed for hunters, it was designed to control the power of government.

The removal of guns from the good citizens of the country does not stop gun violence it just leaves the citizenry vulnerable to bad guys with guns. I hate to say it politicians but we’re not Europe nor will we ever be Europe no matter how much you try to make our great country into a European clone, it just ain’t gonna happen! That’s why we have a 2nd Amendment, that’s why our Fore Fathers suggested strongly that we have guns in the first place.

What about this National Debt? I know most people don’t understand the politics of debt but one thing I know for sure is; If you hold our fat to the fire any closer we’ll become the next Greece. Both parties are to blame, they should be looking in the mirror instead of pointing at each other. It seems to me we could cut spending significantly by taking the waste and fraud out of Welfare and the free ride out of the Senate and Congressional benefit package. Congress should pass no law that exempts themselves from participation. They should be required to work like the rest of us and retire with the same Social Security program that we do, it’s the one they have plundered. The idea of the Legislative body was to be one of part time. Serve a term and go home to your job not to be used for personal gain in wealth and power. Professional politicians maintain their power through legislation of pork.
Redistribution of wealth is what Hugo Chavez did, it cemented him to the poor in the country but in the end just made the country poorer. The poor do not create jobs for others. He did it by Nationalizing companies that others had built, our government does it by taking the money from those who earn it and giving it to those who don’t. This is the same money that use to be used to reinvest in industry that benefited the poor by offering jobs and security to them. Eventually the drain takes more than is available and we get that sucking sound that no one wants to hear.
That’s my opinion, what’s yours?

Just my thoughts

 Hi my name is Don and I guess you would call me a redneck. I live in Nevada in a rural area where we live by a code of common sense. No one could survive long in the high desert without using common sense.With that said here are a few common sense items I’d like your opinion on.

1.      Today I heard that they were going to allow people to carry pocket knives aboard airliners.     I'm pretty sure 911 happen because of a smuggled in box cutter held to the throat of a Flight Attendant? If I was in the Flight Attendants union I’d be really upset over this one.

2.      The government just released several thousand illegal alien prisoners into our cities without a public hearing and without even contacting local law enforcement.  If they were not criminals who had perpetrated a crime against society, why were they being held?  Don’t they usually just deport illegal’s who have not committed a crime?

3.      If it’s true that the Sequester that is in the news requires the government to only cut $85 Billion from the total debt, why is that a bad thing? We borrow about $85 Billion a month to keep our government going.  Isn’t it time to stop the madness of over spending?  When my income goes down I quit buying anything but essentials, beer and pork skins are for good times. 

4.      Obama claimed he was going to have the most transparent administration in history.  He’s right about one thing whenever a crisis develops he disappears.  When I was a kid in the 40's & 50's the Democrats like Henry Jackson and Harry Truman were the conservatives and Republicans like Jacob Javits and Rockefeller were the Liberals, what happened to the D party?

5.      How did we get from the point of Grandpa and Grandma celebrating 50 years together, to George and Ralph kissing on the alter? From my personal experience, men and women have different parts and they are designed to fit together like putting a clamp on a muffler, the bolt goes on one side and the nut on the other.  Properly adjusted they work to tighten the clamp same with a marriage.  It's like they were designed for each other.

6.      In my mind everyone should be paid for the job they do not just because they exist.  I don’t mind giving a helping hand but when we have to pay women because they keep having babies with no way to pay for them, I think something is amiss.  In my world if you’re man enough to get a girl pregnant you better be man enough to support that child.  I also think the doctor who impregnated that Octo-mom ought to be paying for them kids not the government. 

7.      In our world here in the American Outback we don’t take kindly to people who lie.  I don’t care if he’s a Preacher or a Politician if he can’t be trusted to be truthful he might as well be dead.  It’s a good thing I’m a Christian and don’t make the rules cause there wouldn’t be many politicians left.

8.      I actually heard a woman being interviewed on Fox say the stupidest thing;  She said it’s not right to tell her that she should carry a gun because in her case it was a friend who raped her and that’s like telling her she has to kill a friend.  (WOW! That's a real friend)  A woman Congressman on the same show said;  98 percent of the women who are raped are smaller than the rapist, (DUH)  if they had a gun it would more than likely be taken away and used on them.  (Only if they forget to pull the trigger)  This statement has not been backed up by the statistics available.

These are some of my views what are yours?

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...